January 2021
Jail time for not paying Child Support? Really? Is that Possible?
A headline from a National Post article published on December 31, 2020 reads: “Nova Scotia father who owes $250,000 in child support sentenced to more than four years in prison”. This may seem a bit shocking until you read Justice Elizabeth Jollimore’s decision of December 22, 2020.
Living in a Common Law Relationship in British Columbia? Here’s What You Should Know!
By Renee Fougere, B.A., J.D.
To be considered a spouse, you can either get married, live together in a marriage-like relationship for over 2 years, or have a child with your live-in partner. Under B.C.’s Family Law Act, common law couples are treated the same way as married couples.
Du support alimentaire pour enfants: le droit du parent ou de l’enfant?
Février, 2015
Établies en 1997 par le gouvernement fédéral, les lignes directrices fédérales sur les pensions alimentaires pour enfants, aident les juges à suivre une certaine norme quant à leurs décisions sur les montants attribués aux pensions alimentaires. On peut retrouver une copie des « lignes directrices » sur le site web www.gc.ca.
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